Renée Watson & Ellen Hagan – Watch Us Rise

Korte samenvatting (achterkant van het boek)
Jasmine and Chelsea are best friends on a mission – they’re sick of the way women are treated even at their progressive NYC high school, so they decide to start a Women’s Rights Club. They post their work online – poems, essays, videos of Chelsea performing her poetry, and Jasmine’s response to the racial microaggressions she experiences – and soon they go viral. But with such positive support, the club is also targeted by trolls. When things escalate in real life, the principal shuts the club down. Not willing to be silenced, Jasmine and Chelsea will risk everything for their voices – and those of other young women – to be heard.

Schrijver: Renée Watson, Ellen Hagan
Titel: Watch Us Rise
Uitgeverij: Bloomsbury (VS)
Jaartal: 2020
Bladzijden: 368
Genre: geen
Leeftijd: 15-18 jaar
NUR-code: geen

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