Scarlett St. Clair – A Touch of Malice

Korte samenvatting (achterkant van het boek)
Persephone and Hades are engaged. In retaliation, Demeter summons a snowstorm that cripples New Greece, and refuses to lift the blizzard unless her daughter calls off her engagement. When the Olympians intervene, Persephone finds her future in the hands of ancient gods, and they are divided. Do they allow Persephone to marry Hades and go to war with Demeter, or prohibit their union and take up arms against the God of the Dead? Nothing is certain but the promise of war.

Schrijver: Scarlett St. Clair
Titel: A Touch of Malice
Serie: Hades x Persephone #3
Uitgeverij: Blooms Books (VS)
Jaartal: 2021
Bladzijden: 461
Genre: romantisch verhaal
Leeftijd: 18+
Geschikt voor: je zou dit boek voor Engels kunnen lezen


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