Lucinda Riley – The Sun Sister

Korte samenvatting (achterkant van het boek)
Electra D’Aplièse seems to be the woman with everything: as one of the world’s top models, she is beautiful, rich and famous. Yet beneath the veneer, Electra’s already tenuous control over her state of mind has been rocked by the death of her father, Pa Salt, the elusive billionaire who adopted his six daughters from across the globe. Struggling to cope, she turns to alcohol and drugs. As those around her fear for her health, Electra receives a letter from a complete stranger who claims to be her grandmother… In 1939, Cecily Huntley-Morgan arrives in Kenya from New York to nurse a broken heart. Staying with her godmother, a member of the infamous Happy Valley set, on the shores of beautiful Lake Naivasha, she meets Bill Forsythe, a notorious bachelor and cattle farmer with close connections to the proud Maasai tribe. But after a shocking discovery and with war looming, Cecily has few options. Moving up into the Wanjohi Valley, she is isolated and alone. Until she meets a young woman in the woods and makes her a promise that will change the course of her life for ever.

Schrijver: Lucinda Riley
Titel: The Sun Sister
Serie: The Seven Sisters #6
Uitgeverij: Pan Books (GB)
Jaartal: 2019
Bladzijden: 839
Genre: romantisch verhaal
Leeftijd: 18+
Geschikt voor: je zou dit boek voor Engels kunnen lezen


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