Laure Eve – Blackheart Knights

Korte samenvatting (achterkant van het boek)
Imagine a city where a young, magic-touched bastard astonishes everyone by becoming king – albeit with extreme reluctance – and a girl with a secret past trains to become a knight for the sole purpose of vengeance. Imagine a city where magic is illegal but everywhere, in its underground bars, its back-alley soothsayers – and in the people who have to hide what they are for fear of being tattooed and persecuted. Imagine a city where electricity is money, power the only game worth playing, and violence the most fervently worshipped religion.

Schrijver: Laure Eve
Titel: Blackheart Knights
Uitgeverij: Jo Fletcher Books (GB)
Jaartal: 2021
Bladzijden: 400
Genre: sprookjes & fantasy
Leeftijd: 18+

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